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Фото видео монтаж » Книги » Аудиокниги » Capitalism Is Slavery: Why Taking the Wealth Workers Create Is Wrong and Should Be Illegal (Audio...

Capitalism Is Slavery: Why Taking the Wealth Workers Create Is Wrong and Should Be Illegal (Audio...

Capitalism Is Slavery: Why Taking the Wealth Workers Create Is Wrong and Should Be Illegal (Audio...

Capitalism Is Slavery: Why Taking the Wealth Workers Create Is Wrong and Should Be Illegal (Audiobook)

English | 2023 | MP3@64 Kbps | ASIN: B0CPR4R7M8 | Duration: 3:17 h | 90 MB
Rick Lannoye / Narrated by Mark Andrew Marin

When our species first learned how to farm and build permanent settlements, things may have gone well at first. All those who worked to grow food (instead of having to find it, as we did for about 200,000 years before) got to consume it themselves and trade any left over for other goods or services. Then, one day, someone with a big club said to most everyone else, "I'm no longer doing all this hard work; you grow the food for me and, if you do as I say, I'll let you have some of it back so you won't starve.or else!" It was on that fateful day, two of humanity's most loathsome institutions began--Slavery and Capitalism.

Thankfully, it's no longer legal to own a human being outright, but as long as Capitalism is allowed to run rampant, most people will still become enslaved in some form or another, to a few holding a modern version of the club! In Capitalism Is Slavery, author Rick Lannoye skillfully lays out an array of solid arguments against the foundational transgression we call Capitalism—an economy built on the seizure of the wealth workers create by an owner class—and why it must be banned once and for all!




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