Фото видео монтаж » Материалы за 17.02.2023 » Страница 5
The Huge Crafter's Bundle - 30 Premium Graphics

The Huge Crafter's Bundle - 30 Premium Graphics


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Master Logo Design with Adobe Illustrator CC Step by Step Complete Course #Series1
Master Logo Design with Adobe Illustrator CC Step by Step Complete Course | #Series1
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Master-Logo-Design-with-Adobe-Illustrator-CC-Step-by-Step-Complete-Course-Series1/747234860
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :401MB
Welcome everyone to the most detailedlogo design courseseries. This is the first comprehensive course for mastering logo design in the series.Since I prefer learning through practical examples rather than the traditional way, this course is specifically designed to help you learnhow to design so many types of logo conceptsusing the well-known vector graphics software Adobe Illustrator. So to make the course more beneficial and accurate, all the shortcuts' description will be displayed in detail as a short note in every single lesson, so you won't miss any step, to help speed up your learning process. Therefore, you will learn step-by-step new ideas and techniques using very simple language throughout the process of logo design in each lesson of this course and the whole series in general to develop your own logo design business and gain a better understanding of graphic design as a whole.

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Let's Sketch Forests! Relaxing Landscape Drawing with Ink and Watercolor
Let's Sketch Forests! Relaxing Landscape Drawing with Ink and Watercolor
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Lets-Sketch-Forests-Relaxing-Landscape-Drawing-with-Ink-and-Watercolor/1794012821?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :1.1GB
Feeling Stressed? Join me and let me help you relax a bit and bring some calm and creativity to your day!

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D5 Render + Blender Advance Rigging
D5 Render + Blender Advance Rigging
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/D5-Render-Blender-Advance-Rigging/1661592240
Genre / Category:3D Tutorials
File Size :686MB
Greetings, and a warm welcome to our Skillshare course onadvanced 3D rigging and rendering techniquesinD5 Rendersupported byBlenderas the .abc file type, taught by me, Krishan Pathirana, a professional 3D artist and 3D rendering expert with over six years of experience.

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Animation Principles The secret sauce to master motion design
Animation Principles: The secret sauce to master motion design
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Animation-Principles-The-secret-sauce-to-master-motion-design/241326768
Genre / Category:3D Tutorials
File Size :1.4GB
Have you ever meditated on a piece of animation you saw on the internet and wondered, why my animation skills are far from that goodness? I did. Until I dived into the science behind good movements and started to learn the secret sauce of a well crafted animation.

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Zishy - Lily Ivy Poolside Feminism

Формат: JPG
Размер: 31.9 Мб
Количество: 52
Разрешение: 1920Х1280

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The Indian Business Blueprint
This course helps people to understand all majors in Indian business this is a complete guide which help people to avoid problems,understand benefits and schemes by government.With hard work only results will come read,hear and understand everything in this course it will be worth it.India is the world's seventh largest economy by nominal GDP and the third largest by purchasing power parity. The country is considered a newly industrialized country and a developing economy, with an average growth rate of 7.5% from 2014 to 2019. The service sector is the largest contributor to the country's GDP, followed by the agriculture and industrial sectors. The country has a large pool of skilled labor, low-cost technology and resources, making it attractive for foreign investment. India is also the world's second-largest market for mobile phones and has the third-largest Internet user base. India has a diverse and dynamic entrepreneurial culture, with a growing number of startups and small businesses in areas such as technology, e-commerce, and financial services. Despite this, there are still challenges faced by businesses, such as corruption, red tape, and inadequate infrastructure.India has a large consumer market, with a growing middle class and increasing disposable income. This has led to a rise in consumer spending on products and services, creating opportunities for domestic and foreign businessesThis course will provide a comprehensive overview of the Indian business landscape. Students will learn about the country's economy, including its growth rate, major industries, and contributions to the global economy. The course will also cover the various challenges faced by businesses in India, including corruption, red tape, and inadequate infrastructure. Additionally, students will learn about the country's consumer market, including the growing middle class and increasing disposable income. The course will explore the government's initiatives to encourage business growth and foreign investment, such as the "Make in India" campaign. The course will also cover the rapidly growing e-commerce market and the development of the Indian stock market. By the end of the course, students will have a deep understanding of the unique mix of challenges and opportunities in the Indian business environment.This course will cover all major things to note doing business in India.

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Search Engine Optimization[Seo]Beginner To Advanced[Allin1]
This SEO course is designed for individuals who are new to the world of search engine optimization, as well as those who are looking to expand their knowledge and skills. The course is broken down into three levels - beginner, intermediate, and advanced - to cater to different levels of expertise and provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject.In the beginner level, the course covers the fundamentals of SEO such as keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation and optimization, URL structure, image optimization, and basic link building. These elements are crucial to the success of an SEO strategy and help to improve the visibility and ranking of a website on search engines.In the intermediate level, the course delves into more technical aspects of SEO, including site speed, mobile responsiveness, and advanced on-page optimization. Structured data and schema markup are also covered in this level, as well as local SEO, which helps to target customers in specific geographic locations. Advanced link building techniques, such as guest blogging and broken link building, are also covered, along with analytics and tracking, which allows for the measurement of the success of an SEO strategy.Finally, in the advanced level, the course covers content marketing, influencer outreach, international SEO, e-commerce SEO, and the use of machine learning and AI in SEO. These elements are essential for those looking to take their SEO skills to the next level and drive more traffic, leads, and sales to their website.Overall, this SEO course provides a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the subject, covering all the essential elements that are needed to succeed in the competitive world of search engine optimization. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this course will provide valuable insights and practical skills that can be applied to improve the ranking and visibility of your website.

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Regular Expressions, From Beginning To End By Hailie Shaw!
Welcome to our Splunkable | Regex and Splunk, Regular Expressions: A Comprehensive Guide course taught by our Principle Instructor, Hailie Shaw. Hailie will cover the basics of the Regex and Splunk to get you started on your journey! In this course, you will learn how to effectively use regular expressions to solve real-world problems. Regular expressions are a powerful tool for text processing and pattern matching, and are used in a wide range of applications, from data validation to search and replace operations. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with regex, this course will take you to the next level.By the end of this course, you will be able to:History of regexWhat are regular expressionsHighlight resources to useThe basic characters to knowQuantifiers to KnowRegex AnchorsGroupingsCapture groups and named capture groupsRegex in SplunkThis course includes a combination of lectures, and real-world examples to help you learn by doing. Whether you are a software developer, data scientist, or simply need to manipulate text data, this course will provide you with the skills you need to be successful.Enroll now and take your regex skills to the next level!If you'd like to learn more, we invite you to interact with us on linkedin, twitter, and slack or visit our website for more details. We encourage everyone to us any avenue available to reach us with questions or concerns. Please do so.

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Raising A Generator Child
Human design is a blueprint of a person's energetic aura. It utilizes astrology, the I Ching, the chakra systems, and much more. It can tell you how their unique energy type is designed to operate in the world. Understanding your child's unique blueprint can help you be a more conscious parent and give them what they truly need to thrive in life. Nurturing and empowering their true energetic core is how we really set our children up for success. They grow up knowing their own worth, valuing healthy relationships, and hold very healthy boundaries.In this course we will learn about why human design is the missing puzzle piece in conscious parenting. We will learn about inner child healing and how it directly affects our children. We will dive into the specifics on how to start healing your inner child. Included is a guided meditation on healing your inner child that you can come back to whenever you'd like. We will also cover practical everyday tips on parenting your generator child including communication, energy cycles, learning, sleep, and much more. We will explore the importance of emotional intelligence and how we can help our generator child process their emotions and feelings. We will learn about human design authority and what it means for your generator child. Once we understand how we can consciously parent with the help of human design, we will grow the soul connection with our children.

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